Review of pulsed metal detectors (PI Advanced)

Review of pulsed metal detectors (PI Advanced)

A magnetic metal detector such as a pulse that works with a magnetic waveform does not have a high power in the process of detecting and separating metals, especially gold in depth, and magnetic detectors cannot separate metals with accurate classification.

For this reason, which is related to magnetism, it is not possible to use magnetic detectors in the direction of multi-purpose use as a combination of antenna detector and magnetic metal detector with pulse metal detector conditions.

Due to the use of voltage input to the magnetic field to form the magnetic wave for the frequency combination, it cannot use the circuit and operating conditions of the magnetic detector in the type of pulse metal detector and VLFVTR… for the operation of the magnetic detector or the magnetic antenna metal detector.

The pulsed metal detector circuit with the state of coil form or the state of accumulated capacitor to generate magnetism with the combination of practical voltage is not combined for the form of multi-purpose use as a detector and magnetic dot.

Magnetic metal detector level and volume settings

Threshold or Target X level and volume settings in magnetic devices are related to balancing the sound. The sound threshold setting related to magnetic devices is not the same as the threshold setting of frequency systems.

In magnetic systems, the sound settings along with the EDIT separation setting are done with the VDI number, and in terms of the VDI number, they share the editing with the frequency systems.

Pulse metal detector error in ferrous metal instead of gold

These error conditions can have various factors, such that the error in the magnetic metal detector can be caused by the creation of different magnetic fields or changes in the state of the earth, such as the presence of rocks and minerals or masses of different resources next to each other, which causes the error.

In the event that the frequency metal detector has separation settings with VDI number and threshold level and volume settings in the basic settings and optional settings such as recovery speed with the ability to detect errors in spotting, and by setting the settings, the status can be detect the target or gold in that range.

Phase difference magnet combination metal detector

The magnet used in the magnetic metal detector has the ability to detect the need for magnetic field flow from other sources in order to have a better response. Metals or magnetic sources themselves have a combined flow of magnetic field and the magnetic field in the seeker head or coil encounters a difference in the field and is placed in a phase difference state.

If the combination of magnetism is well formed between the magnetic detector field and the source, a difference situation will be formed in the magnetic detector field, of course, non-magnetic metals that are not attracted to the magnet will create a search head such as a pulse metal detector or magnetic detector during the disturbance in the magnetic waveform of the magnetic field. And this disturbance in the magnetic waveform appears despite the short distance from the magnetic detector, and gold or non-magnetic metals such as gold cannot be detected by the magnetic detector in depth.

Frequency vacuum magnetic pulse metal detector

The formation of magnetic fields or frequency fields from sources, metals, stones and minerals can create boundaries between the effect of the combination or transformation of fields at a non-common point and the current of these electric and magnetic fields that exert force on each other.

The combination of other fields that have small atoms or electrons with a charge dependent on the changed conditions, which has a higher speed and performance and a better order combination that causes errors in the detection in the metal detector, and the result of these points is the condition of the magnetic vacuum condition.

Electron flow of magnetic fields force on each other and form unstable pressure conditions in time and from this combination or displacement force force on each other emerges, which creates a vacuum state between the formation of new fields and causes an error reaction in detecting the metal detector from Frequency or magnetic type.